The AIPC committees have their members adjusted quarterly, and are divided into four major work fronts:

Development of strategies to work and strengthen the identity of AIPC, and then help the cocoa sector, and strengthen and retake its role in the national scenario. In order to do so, the committee works to engage key players in the value chain such as governments, organizations, companies and producers.
The committee also works in the survey, analysis and dissemination of data and statistics of the sector, as well as studies in the sector. These data contribute to the information reaching the public of interest in a concrete, clear and effective way.

Working with actions that promote social, economic and environmental development in the regions where the cocoa plantations are located is of paramount importance for AIPC. One of the main focuses of the work is to make feasible the Sustainable Growth Plan, which aims to double production from 200 to 400 thousand tonnes by 2027 with the recovery of depleted areas in agroforestry systems (SAFs) with cocoa, notably in the states of Pará, Roraima and Mato Grosso. Another priority is to work to increase productivity in existing areas, especially in the states of Bahia, Pará and Espírito Santo.
Another priority is to work to increase productivity in existing areas, especially in the states of Bahia, Pará and Espírito Santo.
In addition, AIPC participates in Cocoa Action Brazil, an initiative of the World Cocoa Foundation that aims at the sustainable development of cocoa production with gains for producers, communities and companies.

It’s responsible for promoting actions to strengthen the relationship between the Brazilian cocoa sector and the main target markets for the products.
In order to do this, the committee also works to improve Brazil’s trade flow with its main partners, positively impacting the export of cocoa products and consequently improving the competitiveness of the Brazilian industries.

The committee intends to follow the legislative actions that impact the cocoa sector in Brazil.
Also, it is the responsibility of the quality committee to establish a national quality parameter for cocoa and its derivatives and to monitor issues related to contaminant residues.